Tag: BBC
Musings on Magazines
Not Delia discusses the various food magazines and prefers Australian to British.
Training and qualifications for chefs
Most good employers will require that you have at least a basic chef qualification before they hire you. Training is usually done on a day-release basis or by attending college full-time. Courses vary in duration according to their level and intensity. Mature students may, for example, take one year to do what school leavers normally…
Foolproof Chinese Cookery by Ken Hom
Review of an excellent cookbook about how to create quick and easy authentic Chinese food at home.
Wine and Vegetarianism
There are a few hidden traps for vegetarians who may not be aware that animal products may have been used in the production of certain foods and drinks. Wine is one such example, which many people just assume is vegetarian. But it may or may NOT be vegetarian. It depends on how the wine was…
Help save Tufty… eat a grey squirrel
Ever considered squirrel for dinner? You may find the whole idea gross. But if you think about it, rabbit’s just another member of the rodent family, but it’s generally accepted as fit fare for the dining-table – even if it’s not as common as it used to be. The Romans used to eat one particular…