Chocolate gift boxes from The Shop in Phnom Penh

Selection of chocolates in a gift box

While we were in The Shop buying our Kampot pepper chocolate, we noticed that they had attractive gift boxes for sale at various prices. After a few moments deliberation, we went for the $10 box and decided to give it to the people who we believed most deserved such a gift – ourselves!

A gift box tied with pretty string with a flower on the endIt’s a sort of pic ’n’ mix. You just keep choosing your chocolates until the box is full. The box is very attractive in itself – I’ll save it and use it again for something else. Plus they put a nice little leaflet inside the box, which is a guide so you know what the chocolates are. It’s a really attractive little gift (even if you are only buying it for yourself).

We had all kinds of things in there: Bailey’s-flavoured chocolate truffle, Kampong Speu caramel (I’ve no idea what that is but it tasted great, though not really much at all like caramel as we know it*), heart-shaped chocolates with a raspberry-flavoured filling, and lots of other things.  They’re billed as “Fresh Belgian chocolates made in Cambodia”, and they’re definitely worth a try if you happen to be passing through Phnom Penh.

*Mr Not Delia did a bit of research – he likes to pretend he’s doing something useful – and discovered that Kampong Speu is a province of Cambodia that’s supposed to produce the best palm sugar in the kingdom. Which I suppose would explain why the caramel tasted unfamiliar.